Administrators should review this Continuum Chart with their special education staff and customize where appropriate. This chart is adapted from the Continuum of Special Education Services for School-Age Students with Disabilities (NYSED, April 2008). For each area listed below, reflect on:
- What does this look like in your building?
- Areas for improvement
Continuum Chart (PDF) | Google doc version (to print or share): Continuum Chart
Skip to: Resource Room | Integrated Co-Teaching | Special Class
Consultant Teacher
- Direct – specially designed instruction provided to a SWD
- Indirect – consultation to a general education teacher
- Simultaneous with general education instruction
General education class – including career and technical education class
IEP Documentation
- Direct – subject area
- Indirect – subject area of general education teacher receiving consultation
Methods/Schedule of Services
General education teacher & consultant teacher plan, document and report methods and schedules to parents
- Certified special education teacher
- Reading teacher (if specially designed reading instruction)
SWD grouped by similarity of need
Students – Maximum #
Up to 20 students
Primary Instructor
General education teacher
Hours per week
- Minimum of 2 hours/week
- Minimum of 3 hours/week if receiving RR services also
Resource Room (RR)
- Specialized supplementary instruction – Individualized or small group setting
- In addition to instruction in all required general education content area learning standards
- General education class
- Separate resource room setting
IEP Documentation
- Resource room
- Frequency, duration, and location
- Certified special education teacher
- Reading teacher (if specially designed reading instruction)
- SWD grouped by similarity of need
- No more than 5 in an instructional group
Students – Maximum #
- Up to 20 students
- MS or HS – up to 25 students
Primary instructor
General education teacher
Hours per week
- Minimum of 3 hours/week
- Minimum of 3 hours/week if receiving CT services also
- Maximum of 50% of day in RR
Integrated Co-Teaching
- Specially designed instruction & academic instruction
- SWD and non-disabled students
General education classroom
IEP Documentation
- Integrated co-teaching services
- Frequency, duration, and location
Methods/Schedule of Services
General education teacher & special education teacher share responsibility for primary instruction, planning, & evaluation of all students
Certified special education teacher
- Up to 12 SWD
- Number of non-disabled students is more than or equal to number of SWD
Primary instructor
General and special education teachers
Hours per week
Integrated co-teaching services can be provided for part of the day (e.g., one period per day)
Special Class (SC)
- Specially designed instruction in a self-contained setting
- Primary instruction separate from non-disabled peers
Separate special education classroom
- Class size
- 15:1
- 12:1, 12:1 + 1, 12:1 + (3:1)
- 6:1 + 1
- 8:1 + 1
- Certified special education teacher
- Reading teacher (if specially designed reading instruction)
- SWD grouped by similar need
- Range of achievement in reading and mathematics up to 3 years {except for 12:1 + (3:1)}
Students – Maximum #
- Class size
- 15:1
- 12:1, 12:1 + 1, 12:1 + (3:1)
- 6:1 + 1
- 8:1 + 1
Primary instructor
Special education teacher
Hours per week
Special class services can be provided for part of the day (e.g., one period per day)