Building Relationships, Community and Conversation

View this material in a Google Doc: Building Relationships, Community and Communication (Google Doc)

Building relationships and community online requires thoughtful planning and use of technology. Building relationships between students and teachers, teachers and families, and among students will lead to positive learning environments. Relationships and community are critical as they help to create:

  • predictability in what to expect and how to engage in learning
  • flexibility in how students can engage in learning and demonstrate their understanding or mastery
  • student empowerment by allowing students voice and choice
  • connection by embedding routines for collaboration and discussion into instruction


How Can These Materials be Used?

  • Look at the considerations board to see the elements.
  • The elements include a definition and “how to use” section.
  • Each element includes asynchronous materials and resources.

What Materials are Provided?

Asynchronous Learning Materials

  • each element contains a section of asynchronous learning materials
  • these materials include slide decks and videos
  • each slide deck includes a combination of speaker notes and/or video recordings to guide learning
  • asynchronous materials can be used as a menu of options to meet your particular regional needs
  • these learning materials can also be delivered synchronously, either in person or virtually


  • links to further readings, websites, infographics that can be used to support learning and implementation
  • these materials can be used to enhance learning materials or dive deeper into various topics based on need

    Go to Building Relationships and Community 

    Go to Communication