Providing Remote Specially Designed Instruction for Students with Severe Disabilities (Module 4)

Tailoring specially designed instruction for remote learning is especially challenging for students with severe disabilities. Parents and families have become conduits to teaching and learning for these students.

In this session, we will focus on six steps to moving forward with remote instruction for students with severe disabilities.

Facilitator’s Guide: Providing Remote Specially Designed Instruction for Students with Severe Disabilities

Modes of Learning

This training can be delivered as a whole training over five hours or divided into parts for one hour a day over five days. 


Additional resources are provided in the Facilitator’s Guide and linked from within the slide deck. 

Learning Objectives

Staff will: 

  • Identify what elements of instruction may be adapted when specially designing instruction including content, methodology, and delivery of instruction.
  • Prioritize standards-aligned content for students with severe disabilities
  • Explore three instructional methodologies to support students with severe disabilities
  • Inspect six approaches to delivering specially designed instruction
  • Discuss how to monitor progress and collect data to use as a basis for adjusting instruction


For more information, or if you are unable to access any of the resources provided, contact Valerie Cole, SDI Specialist (GST & BT BOCES Regions), at (716) 498-6408 or