Visual Schedule – Elementary
To support remote learning, this template allows for building a schedule to help identify time for learning activities, routines, and breaks for elementary students.
Helpful Tips
- When using this template, feel free to modify/change to meet your needs and those of your students and families/caregivers.
- If using an electronic version, the green checkmark can be dragged into the box, once the item is completed. The checkmarks could be moved prior to the start of the next day.
- If using a paper version, using an object to indicate the item is completed so the document can be reused each day is recommended.
- Ideas for reusing the document:
- Place it on the refrigerator and use magnets to indicate the item is completed.
- Attach velcro to the printed schedule and print the check marks.
- Attach the velcro to both the printed schedule and check marks and, as the item is completed, affix the check mark.
- Engage all stakeholders in the process to complete this document.
Routine template & sample
Use the Google Docs template to create your own copy of an editable digital schedule. Use the PDF template to create printable paper calendars to distribute to families.
- Google Docs template: Student Well-being (Tool #2, Visual Schedule, Elementary)
- PDF template: Student Well-being (Tool #2, Visual Schedule, Elementary)
Check mark routines once completed.
Rising Routine
- Wake up
- Get dressed
- Brush teeth/comb hair
- Eat breakfast
AM Routine
- Read
- Play
- Learning
- Lunch
PM Routine
- Learning
- Electives
- Snack
- Friendship
Visual Schedule – Secondary
To support remote learning, this template allows for building a schedule to help identify time for learning activities, routines, and breaks for secondary students.
When using this template, feel free to modify/change to meet your needs and those of your students and families/caregivers. You can also choose to provide them with an electronic version of this document.
Schedule template and sample
Template: Student Well-being (Tool #2: Visual Schedule, Secondary)
- 7:00-7:45: Wake Up/Get Dressed/Breakfast
- 7:45-8:00: Homeroom Zoom link
- 8:00-8:45: Math Zoom link
- 8:45-9:30: PE Zoom link
- 9:30-10:15: ELA Zoom link
- 10:15-11:30: Science Zoom link
- 11:30-12:30: Lunch/Take a walk
- 12:30-1:15: Social studies Zoom link
- 1:15-2:30: Office hours & homework