Google Doc version (to view or copy): Organization & Study Skills (Tool #2: Planning to Prioritize – Strategies for Students)
The Planning to Prioritize document provides strategies for families and students to assist with organization and study skills.
Helpful Tips
- When using and sharing this document, feel free to modify/change to meet your needs and those of your students and families/caregivers.
- It is recommended that you share this document at the beginning of the school year. It can also be shared throughout the school year and used with a subset of students or all students.
- An electronic or paper version of this document could be provided to students and families/caregivers.
Adapted from Wilbraham & Monson Academy: How to Prioritize School Assignments and Homework
Planning to Prioritize: Strategies for Students
Shifting from an in-person environment to a remote learning environment has posed challenges—including how to keep track of school schedules, assignments, and due dates. The in-person environment provided verbal reminders, visual clues, and allowed for materials to be sent home papers and serve as a communication channel for students and families. In a remote learning environment, it may be more challenging keeping track of this information.
This document provides strategies students and families can use and/or adapt. The information below is categorized by topic to assist with locating strategies to meet identified needs.
Not Sure How to Get Started/Where to Begin/Overwhelmed
Break tasks into chunks
Help your child break school projects or household chores into smaller, more manageable steps. This will show your child that each project has a beginning, middle and end, which can make projects feel less overwhelming. For example, if your child’s nightly chore is to clear the table, explain: First, they should scrape leftovers into the garbage, then load the dishes into the dishwasher, then wipe the counters.
Introduce idea organizers.
Show your child how to use outlines, graphic organizers or concept webs to organize ideas for school projects. Encourage her to take class notes in two columns, using a narrow column on the left for main ideas or questions and a wide column on the right for all the details. Later, when your child is studying for a test, she can look at what’s in the narrow column to review the big ideas and see if she can remember the details.
Easily Distracted
Try a watch or timer.
Watches and timers are powerful organization tools. Teens can use them not just to keep track of time in general, but to keep track of how much time they have to do a specific task. Timing activities helps them learn how much time to budget the next time around. Teens can use a timer app on a smartphone.
Create an organized work space.
Set aside a space at home where your child can work without interruption. It might work best if this is somewhere near you for times when they need your assistance. Keep school supplies and technology such as calculators, tablets or laptops nearby.
Unable to Find Learning Materials and Supplies
Do regular backpack/file audits.
Your child’s backpack is a crucial link between home and school—so it’s important to keep it neat. Schedule a time each week for your child to clean out and organize their backpack. Note: this can be adapted for the online environment – have your child organize their files using folders and subfolders.
Use color-coding.
Assign colors to each school subject. For example, green folders and notebooks may be for English and blue for math. Use brightly colored pocket folders for items that need to be signed and returned. Suggest that your child use colored pens to help shift from the role of writer to the role of self-checker and editor. Note: this can be adapted for the online environment as your child could change the folder color to be the assigned school subject color.
Keeping Track of Schedules, Assignments, and Due Dates
Teach calendar and time management skills.
Encourage your child to write down important tasks in a digital calendar or on a paper one. Then help her estimate how much time each task will take. After she completes the tasks, ask whether the time estimate was accurate or not. If needed, suggest adjustments for next time. It may also help to have your child write the due date directly on school assignments.
Use a planner.
As your child’s academic and social schedule gets busier, a planner can help keep things organized. A planner is a calendar combined with an assignment notebook. A good planner usually has a weekly view, a column for each day, and a list of classes on the side. Having a planner with a monthly view gives your child a broader look at events and assignments. This is especially helpful when planning how to break down longer projects and goals. You can even put up a big wall calendar at home, to make it easier to see the whole month. Some teens may prefer digital planners and calendars. In that case, encourage your child to focus on the bigger picture—the full week or month—and not just on the daily view or to-do list.
Digital Planner Resources
- Free Student Digital Weekly Planner for Google Slides or PowerPoint
- Rainbow Free Undated Digital Planner for Google Slides or PowerPoint
- Free Google Slides or PowerPoint School Planner 2020-2021
Printable Planners
Not Sure How to Prioritize/What to Work on First
Prioritizing Homework Assignments
Prioritizing assignments will help you know exactly what you have to do whenever you sit down to do your homework. A rating system works best for understanding which assignments you need to do fast.
- Mark very important activities with an A.
- Mark somewhat important activities with a B.
- Mark activities you want to do but aren’t as important with a C.
Make checklists and to-do lists
Once your child knows all the steps involved with a particular task, help them add it to an overall to-do list. Include regular homework and chores on the list. Encourage them to keep the list in a place where they will see it often and to check off accomplishments as she goes. They might create it using a smartphone app, write it on a dry-erase board in her bedroom or print out a list to carry around with them throughout the day.
Forgetting Materials/Feeling Rushed
Establish daily routines
Creating a regular schedule can help your child learn what to expect throughout the day. Use picture schedules, clocks and other time management strategies.
Help your child think ahead
Before bedtime, review plans for the next day with your child. This can make them feel more secure. Together you can plan how to handle things if a change comes up in the schedule.
Struggling to be Motivated
Take planned breaks
Trying to complete all your homework in one sitting can actually make you less productive. Scheduling breaks can help you stay focused and complete more accurate assignments. Try working for 45 minutes, then taking a 10-minute break and repeating until you’re done.
Recognize a job well done with a reward
Another way to stay motivated while tackling your homework schedule is by rewarding yourself every time you complete an important or long task. Whether it’s a snack, an additional break or a few minutes on your phone, that reward can help you stay focused.