Google Doc version (to view or copy): Blended: Using disruptive innovation to improve schools
STUDY GUIDE: Blended: Using Disruptive Innovation to Improve Schools
- Authors: Michael B. Horn & Heather Staker
- Publisher: Jossey-Bass
- Publication Date: 2015
In a remote or hybrid learning environment the instructional tools educators are utilizing daily with families as partners to support student learning are moving in many cases from that of paper and pencil to tools that are digital in nature. This book discusses the possibilities with blending the traditional and virtual learning in the 21st century. A reality that has come to fruition during the pandemic in hybrid and remote learning environments. The text provides twelve questions to consider when selecting and implementing instructional software tools. Use the list of questions below to reflect on your personal experience over the last school year. Share your thoughts with others. Are all considerations being analyzed before implementing an instructional tool? Should more conversation or thought be placed around instructional tool selection and implementation? What are the ill-effects of the “kitchen sink” approach to instructional tools? This resource was adapted from
Eight Considerations When Choosing Instructional Software Tools: A Collaborative Conversation
- What do you already have? Is there a tool in place that does the same thing?
- How will this tool be used? Is it the primary content for a whole course or is it to be used to supplement instruction?
- Can students see what they’ve accomplished? Do students receive real-time feedback? Is the tool motivating and engaging?
- Can students choose different pathways or options within the software? Can teachers assign different pathways to students? Is adaptability and personalization within the tool a priority?
- Does the software provide actionable data? Do you get access to all the data you need?
- Is the software compatible with your devices?
- Is the instructional tool aligned to state standards?
- How easy is it to distribute new account information (usernames and passwords)?