Positive connections that foster interaction and establish a nurturing environment of trust and support.
Communication & Feedback
- Foster two-way communication (e.g. Minimize education jargon and use preferred communication channels.)
- Provide (actionable and regular) personalized information.
- Be explicit: Are communications concise, relevant and actionable? Are communications personalized to the recipient.
- Be consistent: Are practices consistent so families know where to get important information?
- Be adaptable: Have procedures been updated, based on feedback, to support communication with caregivers supporting remote learning?
Roles & responsibilities
- Defining the team and the standard operating procedures
- Managing expectations for all partners
- Be explicit: Do families, caregivers and students understand their roles and responsibilities?
- Be consistent: Are the districts’ expectations for families reasonable and well-understood? Are they consistent day-to-day?
- Be adaptable: Have opportunities been provided to obtain feedback from families in order to adapt practices?
Well-being structures
- Prioritize physical and emotional well-being
- Promote balance (e.g. allow breaks)
- Be explicit: Have we provided awareness to families regarding community and district programs aligned to non-academic needs?
- Be consistent: Does our district consistently invite families to be part of the community so that they feel welcome, respected and heard?
- Be adaptable: Are there sufficient interactions with all students and families to identify needs and adapt practices?