Google Doc version (save a copy): Celebrations (Format: Printables)
This resource is a repository of printables highlighting successful family partnerships from schools across the United States. The video clips that follow are aligned to one or more of the nine key areas of family partnership.
Get Outdoors: NJ
Areas addressed: Learning Environment
Beach Haven School Recognized As “Back-To-School Success Story”
A New Jersey district stays in person with ideas such as “Library on the Lawn.”
Volunteerism: Binghamton University, NY
Areas addressed: Roles and Responsibilities
Binghamton University students continue to teach, mentor during COVID-19 crisis
As school districts throughout the Greater Binghamton region adjusted to the new normal, students from Binghamton University’s Department of Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership (TLEL) stepped up in a variety of ways to ensure continuity of learning and supports.
Drone-delivered connectivity: WI
Areas addressed: Technology Tools
How Schools Use Drones to Deliver Internet to Students
Northland Pines School District and D.C. Everest School District in Wisconsin are using drones to deliver Internet to students living in areas with limited or no Internet connection.
Attendance Incentives: Hartford, CT
Areas addressed: Communication and Feedback, Student Wellbeing, Attendance and Engagement
To fight absenteeism, Hartford schools are getting more creative, and fun
Faced with a chronic absenteeism problem made worse by the pandemic, Hartford schools infused humor into their attendance rewards, and celebrated small improvements.
Access the Internet: NY
Areas addressed: Technology Tools, Learning Environment
Flexible Scheduling Options: VA
Areas addressed: Student Wellbeing, Organization and Study Skills, Support Structures, Attendance and Engagement
Virtual learning successful for some students, parents
Parents of middle and high school students share their children’s positive experiences with virtual learning.
College/Career Readiness Week: Minneapolis
Areas addressed: Attendance and Engagement, Instructional Tools
Minneapolis schools offer week of virtual events about career, college options
A virtual career fair designed to feel like a video game allows students to explore 120 booths on various professions and access webinars and panel discussions on specific industries and money management topics.
Creative Ways to Engage Students: Washington, D.C.
Areas addressed: Student Wellbeing, Attendance and Engagement
Treehouse teaching and laundry art: Educators find creative ways to reach kids
Educators from the Washington DC region share their stories of creative teaching, with notes of hope and grace.
A Little Innovation Goes a Long Way: San Diego, CA
Areas addressed: Student Wellbeing, Attendance and Engagement
Teaching in the time of coronavirus: Finding creative ways to engage students
Educators share ideas for engaging students in remote learning and seizing on the flexibility of the format to meet different student needs and learning styles.
Engaging Educators: IL
Areas addressed: Roles and Responsibilities, Organization and Study Skills, Attendance and Engagement
Big 10: Creative touches to teaching during a pandemic
Educators and school staff draw humor from pandemic rules and inconveniences and find entertaining ways to engage students and families.