Google Doc version (to print or share): Introverted Energy or Extroverted Energy
To identify students, and yourself, as those who seek energy internally (through their inner thoughts) or externally (by interacting with people) and to design appropriate collaborative protocols.
The estimated activity time is 45-60 minutes.
Stop & Think
Key (T – teacher; SL – school leader; DL – district leader)
The text “Introverted Energy or Extroverted Energy” makes a distinction between people who seek their energy from internal means and those who gain energy from external sources. As you consider your students in a remote and hybrid classroom, understanding which type of energy seeker they are can help cultivate an affirming learning environment.
- In remote learning, what student actions might be misinterpreted due to a student having the opposite energy type from you? (T, SL)
- What benefits and challenges might introverted energy seekers experience in an online environment? (T, SL, DL)
- What benefits and challenges might extroverted energy seekers experience in an online environment? (T, SL, DL)
- How do you ensure equitable and full participation for all of your students? (T, SL)
- How do you oversee the quality of communication between school and home? (SL, DL)
Brainstorm & Design
View “Accountable to the Learning Community” and design a silent discussion or small-group discussion activity for your students. Determine how you can implement these accountability points into your remote/hybrid learning environment to ensure that all of your students have a voice. Designed for introverted or extroverted energy seekers.
- Accountable to the Learning Community (printable PDF) | Accountable to the Learning Community (editable Google Doc)
Consider how you can use the Accurate Knowledge Organizer in a future discussion or activity with your students. Designed for extroverted energy seekers. - Accurate Knowledge Organizer (printable PDF) | Accurate Knowledge Organizer (editable Google Doc)
Design a set of facilitation questions to engage your students one-on-one or in pairs. Designed for introverted energy seekers. - Facilitation Questions Organizer (printable PDF)