CR-SE Family Engagement Strategies (A Family Gathering)

Google Docs version (to print or share): Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Family Engagement Strategies

Objective: To provide structures and strategies that promote family engagement in remote/hybrid learning environments.

The estimated activity time is 30-45 minutes.

Watch: Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Family Engagement Strategies

Stop and Think

(Key: T – Teachers; SL – School Leaders; DL – District Leaders)

Use the Reflection Questions below to guide your thinking as you design structures and strategies to promote family engagement in your learning environment:

  • In what ways do you currently communicate with families? (T, SL, DL)
  • In remote and hybrid learning environments, what do you see as the greatest opportunity for family engagement? (T, SL)
  • In remote and hybrid learning environments, what do you see as the greatest challenge to family engagement? (T, SL)


Complete the activities above as a grade-level team, co-teaching partnership, department, etc., and reflect on how your relationships and connections as a partnership or team affect family engagement (you can use some, or all, of the Reflection Questions above). Then, refer to the table/questions below to support a plan for action to engage your families and community members (the questions listed below are referenced in the table):

Table: A Family Gathering

Questions to consider

  1. What languages are spoken?
  2. What people can help translate?
  3. Who are some family and community members with topical expertise and knowledge?
  4. What methods of communication will be used? Who will be responsible for each?