View this information in a checklist format: Virtual IEP Meeting Checklist (Google Doc)
Prior to the meeting
- Consult with IT Department:
- Confirm internet security.
- Check that all necessary devices are working and set video conferencing platform functions (e.g., apply a passcode to join meeting, create waiting room, mute upon entry) to ensure security and confidentiality.
- Create and share a short video with narrative on how to use the features of the video-conferencing platform.
- Know what device parents will be using to anticipate connection and access issues.
- Contact committee members to review basic video-conferencing norms.
- Set up pre-meeting to review video/tele-conferencing features and/or send “how to” video (video file via shared link or upload to video sharing platform like YouTube).
- Establish backup plan and ensure all committee participants have access to the draft document and ability to meet.
- Schedule backup meeting date/time and/or a follow up meeting if needed
- Plan for extra time in case of technology issues (including optional pre-meeting technology touch base if needed).
- Create and share agenda and engage the parent and student in agenda setting.
- Ensure that committee members receive necessary documents.
- Send parents Procedural Safeguards information (see Notices)
- Send out Meeting Notice within five calendar days of meeting (see Notices).
- Committee members that are unable to attend have been properly excused with written agreement signed by parents (see Member Attendance and Excusal).
- Arrange necessary accommodations for all attendees (ex: large print on paper or magnification of computer screen) including those that may require additional technology supports.
- Arrange for a translator if needed and have documents translated and sent to parents if needed.
- Upon written request by parents (at least 72 hours prior to the meeting) invite parent member designee and/or school physician.
- Address any questions parents may have.
*Checklist modified from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, May 2021
Immediately prior to the meeting
- Familiarize yourself with video conference features (e.g., screen share, chat, etc.).
- Check your mic and speakers (within room, devices, & video conferencing platform).
- Preview video for background (set filters or background screens as necessary).
- Set up closed captioning if needed.
- Arrange technology so everyone in the room can be seen, if possible.
- Identify best location in building, home, room at the time for internet signal strength.
- Avoid window/lighting in background.
At beginning of the meeting
- Invite introductions of student, family and staff and describe roles related to supporting student.
- Ensure all committee members received needed forms and documents.
- Ask a “check in question” to open the meeting.
- Establish meeting norms.
- Review the purpose of the meeting (annual review, re-evaluation, etc.).
- Refer to page numbers of documents and/or sections during meeting.
Throughout the meeting
- Be mindful of time, especially if anyone is using a personal device that is using up data.
- Summarize and review highlights of IEP.
- If present, allow time for interpreters to translate.
- Engage parents and student in discussions and decision making (refer to participants by name when prompting to speak).
- Facilitate the discussion to reach a decision about how to support the learning/behavioral needs of the student.
- Use parent friendly language and avoid acronyms and educational lingo.
- Ask clarifying questions/check for understanding.
- In the event of disagreement, discuss and provide the parent due process materials.
After the meeting
- Survey all committee members on their experience of virtual meetings. (For optional parent survey questions, see Parent Survey)
- Conduct follow-up phone call or email to parents to get feedback and see if any questions came up after the meeting.
- Finalized IEP due on [date].
- Determine who will discuss and disseminate the finalized IEP to staff who support the student.
- Confer with staff to see if there are suggestions for enhancing future virtual IEP meetings (e.g., successes, barriers, ways to improve the overall meeting experience).
- Complete Prior Written Notice (PWN)/Notice of recommendation (see Notices)