Participants create connections and learn more about each other by trying to guess what their numbers represent.
Each participant writes their name on a piece of paper in large letters.
Under their name participants write down three numbers that have significance to them (see examples below)
2 (number of dogs I have)
73 (year I was born)
4 (number of marathons run)
Encourage participants to introduce themselves and allow others to try to guess what their numbers represent. This can be done with everyone mingling around, partner to partner, in a circle, or small groups.
After a few guesses you can allow participants to share what their numbers represent if not guessed correctly.
What were some interesting things that you learned about your team members?
Did you find any commonalities or differences within your team?
On a virtual platform with larger groups, send participants to breakout rooms to facilitate individual engagement in the discussion.
If the group is small, keep them as one group and have one person at a time show their name card with their numbers.